Designed a learning facility for the Dongguan Science and Technology Bureau, in Dongguan China, which is located in the Guangdong Province. The Science and Technology Museum had its grand opening on December 28th 2005. The Museum contains a rich assortment of exhibits, which is utilized by the learning center. The learning center is equipped with the latest state of the art learning environments.

          Served on the advisory board of the Global IT Academy, which is a cooperative with the Brea Unified School District in Southern California, The University of California at Irvine, Executives from local, IT companies, and the Dongguan Science and Technology Bureau in Dongguan China. The 4-year elective program took students from their freshman year in both the U.S. and China, and teaches them the skills to succeed in a global IT environment. The students participated in videoconferences with their counterparts in China, and can also be involved in a student exchange program in their junior year.

     •     Served on the advisory board of iMatte a company that developed a virtual learning environment that will allow students and content experts from all over the world to exist in the same virtual space. The developers of this technology have served the movie industry for many decades, and hold patents on many Hollywood special effects technologies. They have won both Academy Awards, and Emmys for their technologies.

          Was asked by the Dongguan Science and Technology Bureau to submit a proposal to develop a learning environment for the city. Submitted a proposal for the Connected Learning Community in the Dongguan City of China.

          Was asked by the Dongguan Science and Technology Bureau to develop a plan to build 31 Community Colleges in the local Provinces.

          Consulted with the San Diego Department of Education in the development of high tech learning environments for students, and for teacher professional development.

          Was involved in “Project Inkwell” which is an organization that works with the major IT vendors and learning institutions in developing a reference platform for a student learning device that can be broadly deployed as a one to one learning device for states and school districts that believe that each student should have access to an instructional learning device, it is Project Inkwell's belief that the student device needs to be portable and durable. Members of Project Inkwell, include Microsoft, Intel, AMD, Red Hat, Lucas Educational Foundation, Sun, CDW, and most of the other major vendors.

          Worked with a manufacturing company in China, to import a small handheld wireless student computer for the Project Inkwell program.

          Consults with Cal Coast Academy a private school located in San Diego California.

The Projects

Click to see China Project

Click to see San Diego Project